Janet Stanton

Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 01.05.18

* President Trump ordered White House Counsel Don McGahn to stop Attorney General Jeff Sessions from recusing in the Russia probe -- and Sessions, after not recusing and incurring Trump's wrath, later submitted his signed resignation letter (which the mercurial Trump, who had told Sessions to resign, then declined to accept). [New York Times] * Brazilian oil company Petrobras just announced a $2.95 billion class action settlement, which will be the largest settlement of a class action U.S. securities fraud suit this decade if approved (by Judge Jed Rakoff, so it's not a foregone conclusion). [Corporate Counsel] * Congratulations to litigation finance firm Lake Whillans, which just concluded a $125 million round of funding. [American Lawyer] * Leigh Corfman, one of several Alabama women who accused unsuccessful U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore of sexual misconduct, is now suing Moore for defamation. [Washington Post] * Speaking of defamation claims, the Trump tax bill contains some very bad news for plaintiffs in such cases (and tort cases more generally, it seems). [Slate] * Tallahassee prosecutor Georgia Cappleman has thrown her hat into the ring for a judicial vacancy; what does this mean for the Dan Markel case, which she's currently handling? [Tallahassee Democrat] * The Motel 6/ICE mess has triggered a lawsuit against the company by Washington State's attorney general. [ABA Journal] * Journalist Roy Strom surveys the year ahead for Biglaw -- and highlights Bruce MacEwen and Janet Stanton's noteworthy prediction of a prominent U.S. law firm forming a joint venture with a "New Law" entity. [Law.com]

Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 10.18.17

* Former White House press secretary Sean Spicer spent Monday with special counsel Robert Mueller's team, chatting about all sorts of things related to the Russia probe. They presumably spoke about more than Trump's choice of Russian dressing. [POLITICO] * During a meeting held at Debevoise & Plimpton's New York office, the members of the Weinstein Company's board ratified their decision to fire Harvey Weinstein from his own company. Every employment lawyer's worst nightmare later resigned from the board. [DealBook / New York Times] * "Democratic attorneys general are getting national injunctions to stop the Trump administration. In just two short years, the national injunction went from rare to routine." The Trump presidency has ushered in the era of nationwide injunctions, and not everyone seems to be a fan of this type of one-size-fits-all jurisprudence. [CNN] * In case you missed it, come 2019, there will be three legal genders in California: male, female, and non-binary. Under the Gender Recognition Act, citizens of the Golden State may select non-binary as an option on state-issued IDs, driver’s licenses, and birth certificates. Congratulations on this landmark legislation. [Esquire] * The number of this year's law firm mergers is set to break records, but you better get ready for MOAR MERGERS. Per Janet Stanton of Adam Smith Esq., deals are happening behind the scenes, and partner defections may serve as an indication of merger talks. Can you think of a firm that's been losing partners? [Am Law Daily]